Monday, July 15, 2013

Hello Again, So California

Well, after 20+ years, Silver Platter Productions, Inc and the Mitchell family have moved back home to So Cal.
 I am still the Panasonic Evangelist so expect to see me around the country and our continuing training videos on the net.
Same "Sterling Quality" Service.  New location.  Ah Hawaiian shirts and flip flops!
More to come
The Road Warrior

Friday, March 15, 2013

Ah, The Pressure

NAB is coming, and coming fast.
Once again I will be in the Panasonic booth, with some cool new toys.  Stop in, say hello and see.
But before I fly to Vegas, I have tons of work to do.
First, there will be a Presentation Stage in the booth, where we will be doing 3 presentations on various workflows.  I am working on putting those together right now. 
The Presentations are:
AVC-Ultra - the benefits to your workflow, presented by Barry Braverman
Wireless, Cellular and Cloud Enabled Workflows, presented by yours truely
And IP Remote Production - from preview to monitoring, presented by Greg Boren.
Of course, titles could change, you never know.
These presentations should be both informative and hopefully entertaining and we will be using a new Panasonic Interactive Plasma Display to make our points.
While you are in the Panasonic booth, check out the stunning images displayed on monitors and projectors.  I am in the process of editing them now using Aframe, a Panasonic partner that lets all the members of the team work on the videos collaboratively.  Pretty cool.
Anyway, lots of late nights until April 8th, but it will be worth it.
See you in Las Vegas.
More to come....
FTC Disclosure
In compliance with the FTC rulings, I state that I am the Panasonic AVCHD, P2, 3D Professional and Interactive Plasma Display Evangelist. As such, I am a paid consultant to Panasonic, and I get free use of selected Panasonic products.  However, the opinions on this blog are purely my own.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

3D. Not Going Away!

There continues to be considerable debate about whether 3D has died.  I say no and here is why.
Hollywood is finally learning that talented directors can make 3D part of the story telling experience and not just a gimmick.  Go see "Life of Pi" in 3D and "Cirque du Soleil Worlds Away" in 3D.  If you haven't already, see "Hugo" in 3D.  These 3 films are stunning and more so in 3D.  And then there is "The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey".  See it in 3D at High Frame Rate.  I know lots of people hate the look.  I really liked it and yes I saw it again in 2D at 24fps, and I still like the 3D and 48fps much better.  The conversion of "Titanic" from 2D to 3D really worked.  3D in the hands of talented people is not going away, it just gets better.

Things are also picking up on the educational front.  Just a couple of weeks ago, I taught a "Shooting 3D Master Class" at Chapman University in Orange, CA.  The class went on for over 4 hours, and the students asked very insightful questions.  They are shooting their 3D films for the class with the Panasonic Z10000 camera. 
Since word of this class got out, I have had other film schools express interest.  This is great. We need young cinematographers to learn to shoot 3D.  Because as I always say, "learning how to shoot 3D will make you a better 2D shooter".  Let me know what you think.

See you on the road
More to come....
FTC Disclosure
In compliance with the FTC rulings, I state that I am the Panasonic AVCHD, P2 and 3D Professional Evangelist. As such, I am a paid consultant to Panasonic, and I get free use of the AVCCAM and P2 products.  However, the opinions on this blog are purely my own.