Friday, March 26, 2010

Lil' Buster Goes Viral!

We have just completed 14 "How To Videos" for the Panasonic HMC40 AVCCAM camera (Lil' Buster, to us here on the blog.)
This pix is a behind the scenes look in the studio. BTW, all the footage that you see in these videos was shot with the HMC40 camera. No tricks, just the real thing. As I have said for months, this little camera is amazing.

To see the videos go to Check them out at:

Each program is short and covers a specific topic, such as "How Do I Set White Balance." We tried to keep them informative and a bit entertaining. You can learn all about frame rates and resolutions, dynamic range stretch and interval recording (time lapse) some examples of this I have posted here on previous blogs. Other programs include Pre-record (really cool feature) as well as Optical Image Stabilization (a must if you are hand holding the camera). We even included some FAQ's. All in all, 14 nifty little videos that should help you to make the most of shooting with Lil' Buster.
If you get a chance to look at them, post your comments here. I would love to hear what you think.

The Road Warrior

FTC Disclosure
In compliance with the FTC rulings, I state that I am the Panasonic AVCHD Evangelist. As such, I am a paid consultant to Panasonic, and I get free use of the AVCCAM products. However, the opinions on this blog are purely my own.

Lil' Buster Headed To Hawaii For AVCO Tech Show


March 31 and April 1 are the dates, Neal Blaisdell Exhibition Hall. Honolulu, Hawaii is the place. Lil' Buster, Ole Betsy and the new HMR10 and POVCam will be at the AVCO Technology Show. Oh yeah, I will be accompanying them.
See for registration and details. Come by and see the cameras and take in my presentation both days entitled "Codecs to Cameras: The Panasonic AVCHD Evolution". I will be stressing the importance of video compression and how MPEG-4 is vastly superior to the older MPEG-2 compression and cameras that still use it. It is usually a lively discussion, because I also always ask "Why in World Would You Still Shoot on Tape (or MPEG-2)?"

The Road Warrior

FTC Disclosure
In compliance with the FTC rulings, I state that I am the Panasonic AVCHD Evangelist. As such, I am a paid consultant to Panasonic, and I get free use of the AVCCAM products. However, the opinions on this blog are purely my own.